February 17, 2022
CALL FOR PAPERS – PRAGUE 2022 Call for papers

Submitting a proposal
INTERCOM invite proposals for contributions that relate to the committee theme of Leadership, which INTERCOM promoted during the ICOM International Symposium in Prague in August 2021, and selected papers will be presented at given time during the INTERCOM sessions on 22 and 23 August 2022. Presentations should be relevant to the proposed topic of the sessions and bring in innovative element suitable for further discussions during the panels. We are looking for the papers dealing with leaderships, governance, stakeholder management, managerial skills and competences, etc.
The presentation should be short, informative and carefully elaborated in maximum 15 slides taking no longer than 7 minutes talk. All presentations have to end with an open question for discussion.
All presentations have to be well-performed and presenters are encouraged to practice before.
All presentations should be recorded and sent to the organizer at least two months before the conference.
Steps to follow:
- Build your presentation in order to highlight key points
- Structure the presentation well
- Aim for simplicity and consistency –
- Do not read the sentences from the screen
- Use relevant visuals to illustrate what you talk about
- Respect your audience and inspire their participation in discussions afterword
- Rehearse your presentation
Proposals should be submitted by the end of April 10, 2022 and should include the following information in English:
- International committee and number of ICOM membership
- Institution of employment
- Title of submitted paper presentation
- Abstract (do not exceed 300 words)
- Keyword (5)
- Name(s) of Author(s)
- Contacts with obligatory email address
- Support equipment required
- Marking whether the presentation is planned to be onsite or online
- All submissions must include a 100‐word bio with a photograph of each presenter.
Please send proposals as a Word Document attachment to the e-mail – intercom.icom@gmail.com with the subject reference INTERCOM SESSION proposal (your name)
The proposals will be evaluated by the INTERCOM members. Selected presenters will be contacted by the end of April 2022. Presenters will be updated on time and the way the presentation will be given.
Presenters are requested to submit the whole presentation by the 15th June 2022.
Those submitting the abstract agree to record the presentations in order to make them available for online participants.