March 11, 2020

Tuesday 10 March, ICOM France co-organized with ICOM Europe, ICOM Deutschland and ICOFOM a “Committes’ Day” dedicated to the new definition. 38 national and international committees, coming from different countries and parts of the world, were represented. The debate was pasionnate and reflected the will of members to really be involved in the new definition process. The paticipants insisted on the need for distinguishing what can be included in a defintion and what can be considered as a vision statement, integrating the main issues of our contemporary world.
The debate will be soon published and the conclusions will be sent to the Executive Board of ICOM, as well as the Advisory Council, in order to be discussed in June in Paris, during the General Assembly.
We are still waiting for INTERCOM members feedbacks about the new definition. So do not hesitate to contact us in order to take part in this great and passionning debate!