ICOM International Committee for museum management

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March 16, 2024

INTERCOM Chair presents at Trend and Training Conference “MUSEUM COLLECTIONS: FORMATION, ACCOUNTING, STORAGE, USAGE” Conferences

ICOM-INTERCOM was present in Paris at the Trend and Training Conference ‘Museum Collections: Formation, Accounting, Storage, Usage’ which was held on March 13.
Dr. Goranka Horjan, chair of INTERCOM gave an introductory speech on the topic “Leadership for Institutional Change – A Storage Story’.

Dr. Horjan used the opportunity to stress the importance of collaboration when serious museum issues are on the agenda. She presented her experience of good-practice project implemented by ICOM and ICCROM. INTERCOM’s chairwoman encouraged participants to join ICOM and address the challenges in the professional environment since this has proven to be really helpful to museum leaders in general. INTERCOM’s museum leadership research confirms the pivotal role of collaboration and work in international organisations, especially for the museum sector, stated Horjan.
