July 20, 2022

You can download the detailed programme here
You can download the summary of the INTERCOM programme
The theme of leadership and good governance will be discussed in all activities involving INTERCOM presence at the ICOM General Conference in Prague. Do not miss the unique opportunity to explore the most challenging issues of museum work!
We are collaborating with different partners within ICOM network and you are invited to join the programme – do not forget to register for ICOM Prague Conference in time.
Look at the INTERCOM website for regular updates of the programme https://intercom.mini.icom.museum/
Our recommendation during the main programme:
Do listen to distinguished speakers on leadership topic that INTERCOM proposed for the Plenary Session!
It is on the main programme on 23 August at 12.00 – 13.30 so for updates follow the General Conference Programme.
Keynotes discussion and panel discussion will be led by INTERCOM members Carol Ann Scott and Lizzy Moriarty
Solidarity Project Session:
INTERCOM is involved in several ICOM supported projects so do not miss our flash presentation of “INTERCOM GLOBAL MUSEUM LEADERSHIP STUDY AND KNOWLEDGE PLATFORM” Solidarity project on 22 August 2022 14.00-15.30 presented by the INTERCOM Chair Goranka Horjan.
Stephen E. Weil Memorial Lecture
The memorial lecture during the ICOM General Conference is jointly organized by INTERCOM, ICOM US, ICOM ICEE and the Secretariat. Stephen E. Weil Memorial Lectures are held to honor Stephen Edward Weil (1928-2005), deputy director of the Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden 1974-1995, senior scholar emeritus at the Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies since 1995, who was the author of several publications that had a significant impact on museums’ work. The Lecture will take place on 21 August at 3.45pm and will be moderated by Ole Winther.
Selected speakers:
- Ben Garcia (he/him) is Executive Director of the American LGBTQ+ Museum, dedicated to preserving, investigating, and celebrating the dynamic histories and cultures of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people, as well as those of emergent and adjacent identities.
Prior to this role, Ben held educational and leadership positions at the J. Paul Getty Museum and Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles, CA; Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University of , Berkeley; Museum of Us in San Diego, CA; and the Ohio History Connection in Columbus, OH.
Ben works in service to the dead–especially those whose lives were considered expendable and whose legacies have been dismissed or erased–and to the lives of their descendants. He envisions a museum ecosystem where consent, respect, kindness, liberation, and queerness abound.
- Craig Middleton is a Senior Curator at the National Museum of Australia and an Honorary Lecturer at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia. At the National Museum of Australia, he is responsible for creative, content, and collections development across a range of projects and programs within the Discovery and Collections division.
His commitment to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex & Queer + (LGBTIQ+) representation has informed his work in museums, including through the creation of tours, programs, exhibitions, and research. He is a widely published author and his book, co-authored with Dr Nikki Sullivan, Queering the Museum, published by Routledge in 2019, develops a queer analysis of the ways in which museums construct themselves, their core business, and their publics through the, often unconscious, use of inherited ways of knowing and doing.
Craig is a George Alexander Foundation Fellow (2017) and National Secretary of the Australian Museum and Galleries Association. He is also a member of The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) LGBTIQ+ Ministerial Advisory Council where he advises the ACT Government on issues relating to LGBTIQ+ communities.
- MUSEUM LEADERSHIP – TAKING THE PULSE (part one, part two, part three)
In an age marked by numerous challenges, INTERCOM offers a possibility to discuss difficult leadership challenges museums are facing today. Short dynamic sessions offer participants an opportunity to interact and take part in panels and discussions. Both sessions include different presentation formats – research results, book promotion and short presentations to generate exchanges among the experts and participants. The central topic is leadership. From fostering the resilience of institutions and building digital competences to taking care of the health of our planet and taking part in regeneration of our economies and societies – museums roles matter much more than we can think of. Selected speakers will present various experiences to support museum leaders in building capacity that will work in new circumstances. The sessions will help cultivate within leaders the essential skills to lead their organizations in difficult time such as active listing and agile monitoring which help set the conditions in which museums can ideally operate. Taking the pulse with INTERCOM is a good step to make and can help you to make a proper museum diagnosis. Join INTERCOM and see how it works – ICOM General Conference offers you this unique possibility for exchange.
The session is organized with following partners: ICOM SEE, ICOM ZAMBIA, ICOM CZECH REPUBLIC, and ICOM INDIA.
Programme – Part 1 on 22 August 16.00 – 17.30 (Congress Centre)
16.00 Promotion of the publication “MUSEUM LEADERSHIP – TAKING THE PULSE 2021, Museum leaders speak: INTERCOM’s research into museum leadership worldwide”
Welcome words: Goranka Horjan, INTERCOM Chair
Presenters: Lizzy Moriarty and Marek Prokupek, members of the research team
16.20. Presentations by participants
- Leadership and digital transformation – moderation Carol Ann Scott and Lizzy Moriarty
Keynote presentation: Seb Chan and LoicTallon): The Future of Digital: How Should Leadership Engage, Australia, Seb Chan, Chief Experience Officer, Australian Centre for the Moving Image; Loic Tallon is former Chief Digital Officer of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Expert Associate Partner at McKinsey.
Polina Nikolaou and Monika Asimenou and Dr Ioanna Hadjicosti: Collaborative practices in digital innovation: a key process of sustainable museum management as proposed by the Horizon 2020 program “ReInHerit”. Cyprus, Postdoctoral Researcher, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation
Sofia Widmann and Olga Tykhonova: Empowering museum leadership through digital culture, Austria, Founder & CEO, MUSEUM BOOSTER
Xiaomin Zhang: From Virtual to Hyperreal——exploration of the digita spectacles of Thousand Miles From the Mountain Viewis in the context of the Covid-19, China, postdoctoral fellow, National Museum of China
Rémy Jarry: Featuring Museums in Hip-Hop and K-Pop Music Videos to Leverage Artistic Consecration
Thailand, senior lecturer, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, & the Catholic University of Paris
Discussion with audience
Programme – Part 2 on 23 August 16.15 – 17.45 (Congress Centre)
Experts from the leadership project moderate the session: Anne-Marie Gillis and Martha Ikabongo
- Leadership and Trust
Shelly Hsiang-Chun Wang: From Leadership to Successful Collaboration In Museum: Shared Understanding, Inclusion and Trust; Taiwan, PhD student, National Taiwan University
Flora Maravalhas: The Social Impact Commitment of Cultural Organizations, Portugal, Researcher, National Plan for the Arts / University of Lisbon, National Museum of Quatar
Peiyi Lyu: Exploring the hybrid art-business operating model in China: A case study of UCCA Dune Art Museum, UK, PhD candidate, School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester, UK
- Leading in Difficult Times
Richard V. Piacentini: The Climate Toolkit: A Collaborative Approach for Museums to Address Climate Change, USA, President and CEO, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens
Chen-hsiao CHAI: The Challenges and Risk Management Confronting Museums during the Pandemic Crisis: With “The Earthly Pond” jointly held by National Museum of History and Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum as an example, Taiwan, Chief of Collection Division, National Museum of History (Taiwan)
Adéla Machová: Team Leadership in an Art Museum Environment, Czech Republic, executive manager and assistant professor, The Ústí nad Labem House of Arts of the Faculty of Art and Design UJEP
Programe – part 3 25th August 10.00. – 13.00, National Museum of Agriculture – Presentations and director’s round table – Taking the Pulse
Gathering at 8.30 for coffee and snacks
9.00 Introduction and welcome Director Novak and Chair Horjan
Moderation: Cristina Vannini
Keynote speaker: Leading a successful transformation, Mr Novak Director of the National Museum of Agriculture, Prague
Jacqueline Strauss: Squirrels, elephants and unicorns – innovation and agility in thought and action at the Museum of Communication in Bern, Switzerland, director, Museum of Communication
Fatma Soliman: Power Of New Museums, Grand Egyptian museum, Egypt, Director of Accessibility at Grand Egyptian museum
Amna Abdulaziz J.H. Al-Thani: Museums, Technology, and Social Corporate Responsibility: A Case Study from the National Museum of Qatar, Qatar, Acting Deputy CEO of Museums, Collections & Heritage Protection and Director of NmoQ
Natalija Polenec: Slovene Ethnographic Museum – Going out of the box: Slovenia, Director – Slovene Ethnographic Museum,
Elisa Bruttini: Managing a museum network: a matter of balance. The case study of Fondazione Musei Senesi, Italy, Director, Fondazione Musei Senesi
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 – 12. 00 Moderation: Alenka Černelić Krošelj
Barbara Juršič, Technical Museum of Slovenia – the Empowerment of Culture and Society, Slovenia, Director, Technical Museum of Slovenia
Dr. Wang Chunfa, Museum’s Exploration and Practice in Economic and Social Development in the Spirit of Openness and Cooperation, China, Director, National Museum of China
Noel Lwoga: Strategic Management Approach in African Museums: A Case Study of National Museum of Tanzania, Tanzania, Director General, National Museum of Tanzania
12.00. – 13.00. Directors‘ round table and discussion moderated by Anne Marie Gillis and Marek Prokupek
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Guided tour of the Museum
15.00 INTERCOM Plenary meeting (for members only) – onsite meeting
- Elections of the new Board
- Reports
How founders and owners support your museums plays a vital part in running your institution in general. This session deals with governance and management issues. INTERCOM is committed to introduction of an appropriate governance code and explores good governance practices through research and exchange with museums. Therefore, our session will focus on discussion and exchange. In the time of pandemics, we had enough webinars and presentations – we learnt a lot and now is the time to share. Take part in the session and do not miss the opportunity to share your vision of good governance. Networking and participation are among the core values of professional excellence which ICOM promotes so be encouraged to come and discuss the theme with us.
The session is organized with following partners: INTERCOM, CIMAM, ICOM POLAND and ICOM SEE.
Programme on 23 August 14.30 – 16.00
14.30. Introduction by Bart de Baere and Goranka Horjan
14.35. Presentation of the project report “MUSEUM WATCH GOVERNANCE MANAGEMENT PROJECT” by Ian King and Annick Schramme
- 50. Governance panel moderated by Piotr Rypson and Alenka Černelić Krošelj
Panelists: Jean-Paul KOUDOUGOU (Burkina Faso); Martha Ikabongo (Zambia), Reena Dewan (India) and Malgorzata Ludowisiak (Poland)– reflect on governance challenges presented in the publication and questions asked by moderators
15.30. Presentations – moderated by Reena Dewan
Naďa Machková Prajzová, Antonín Šimčík, Leszek Jodliński: SMART Museum – A Vision of Good Management and Good Governance, Czech Republic, Founder of MUSE Impact, consultant, MUSE Impact
Shin-Chieh TZENG and Feng-Ying KEN: Good Museum Governance? – Comparative Research into Independent Administrative Institutions in Several Countries, Taiwan, Associate Professor, the Graduate Institute of Conservation of Cultural Relics and Museology, Tainan National University of the Arts
Tugba Tarim: Museums and Regulations: The Romantic Point of View in Museology, Turkey, Museum Researcher, Istanbul University